Monday, December 08, 2008

December's Gratitude List

So, I know that I intended to write these on the first of every month and today is the 8th, but, hey, I figure it is never too late to be thankful. Also, I feel I must address the glaring absence of posts between last month's list and this one's. Most of my attention is going to the writing of Katie's blog and, thus, there are fewer posts here. (Those of you who I want to have that address, have it. If you don't and you want it, e-mail me or respond and I'll see if you made the cut.)

So, quickly while the girl naps, here is this month's list:

1. My husband, who has got to be one of the kindest people on the planet. This morning he saw a cat get hit by a car and stopped to see if he could do something to save the cat. He couldn't so he took great care to move the cat's body and find the home to whom she belonged so he could inform the family. Please note, it wasn't he who hit the cat, he merely observed it. That's a good person, my friends!

2. Katie...not much needs to follow this. She is, simply put, a rock star. What a gift God has given us in her. But, should you want to catch a glimpse into her greatness, I offer you this: The other night she slept from 6pm to 8:45am...and this is only a little longer than her usual night's rest. Again, I say, ROCK STAR!

3. My dad, who though facing what is probably terminal cancer, keeps up the good fight and continues to find joy in life and give joy to my life. A person could not have a better father. You're a bug-catching, balloon-volleyball-paying all-star.

4. The rest of my family, especially my mom, who support me and encourage me and make me laugh.

5. Georgia. My God, it is good to be here.

6. Owning a doubt, it has it's downside, but when I unpacked this time, I knew this stuff was staying here a while. And, it was staying in closets that were mine!!!! Hooray!

7. Barack Obama becoming our next president. Thank you, American voters, thank you!

8. Christmas shopping...I think I truly do find more joy in figuring out what to give to the people I love than I do getting stuff-which says a lot, 'cause I really like getting stuff!

9. Cool/cold weather! I am so glad fall is here and winter is in sight. I hate being hot and it is nice to be out their raking MY leaves on MY yard in the cool, crisp air.

10. Christmas music...I love it, love it, love it!

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