Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Why My Cats Are, Well, Better Than Yours

So, I've got these two cats. (Well, I guess to be technically correct, Andy and I have these two cats.) Their names are Harper and Dylan. Harper was named after the masterful Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird. Then there is Dylan, who is named after a writer who is as prolific as Harper Lee wasn't: Bob Dylan. Harper and Dylan are litter mates who were born in May or June of 2005. (The date is somewhat unknown because they were born on the streets. No doubt, we saved them from a life of crime.) We adopted them from an organization called Companion Animal Rescue Alliance (CARA), a small, local rescue group located in Laurel, MD. After spending their first few hours with us terrified and hiding behind a bookshelf, Andy and I felt certain they were going to hide forever and never love us. Well, we were some wrong. Once these two decided to make their presence known, they did it with a bang.

When Dylan gets hungry he runs his paw up and down the mini-blinds to alert us of his discomfort. At 3 am. Once, when he was feeling particularly adventurous, Dylan used his teeth to open the bottom drawer of our chest of drawers. He climbed in and opened the next drawer. He continued this until he had made his way up a series of six drawers and was able to survey his kingdom from atop the chest of drawers. Recently, epitomizing cute, Dylan has started to curl up with my while I am sleeping. He backs his behind in and puts his head on the pillow next to mine. It looks, I'm sure, as if I am hugging a stuffed animal cat.

Harper's main activities had previously been sleeping and eating, but recently she has decided to show off her new talent: playing fetch! I sware it is true! Andy or I will throw her toy, she will run get it, drop by us and wait for us to throw again. (That's how fetch works in case you didn't know.) Perhaps this is a normal activity for a cat, but I have known a lot of cats and not one of 'em played catch. I think we might have a genius on our hands.

So, you can see that our cats our not only beautiful, but so smart. And, they love to cuddle. They'll climb into my lap to watch TV. Dylan has been so desparate for a hug at times that he has jumped from the ground to my shoulder. They sleep at our feet through the night. Truly, they are amazing. And no, I'm not biased.


Andy said...

we have the best cats in the world!

Anonymous said...

OK, guys, your cats are admittedly cool. But clearly you have not seen the YouTube video of Henry, my own little prodigy, playing fetch. This is not his best work, but it does showcase his talent for also WASHING the ball in his water dish before bringing it back (presumably to simulate canine slobber).


And Mud sleeps with his head on my pillow, too. So there. Can we at least agree we have the four most awesome cats in the universe? Thanks.

Anonymous said...
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