Monday, March 26, 2007

There Is Something to Communism

I recently have been strgguling mightily with the fact that my husband and I pay more in rent than just about everyone we know pay for their mortgages. It seems just plain wrong that so little attractive, affordable housing exists. For instance, the least expensive property in the neighborhood where our apartment complex is lists at the low, low price of $380,000...and it is a condo. No single famiy home lists below $1 million dollars. It was laughable when we first moved here, but now I see the almost $2000 a month we pay in rent floating away as we receive no benefits from it. I guess I am also frustrated that several of my friends are now on their second homes and others are currently preparing to move into thier firsts. I know it is considered tacky by some to talk about money, but some days the outrageousness of things needs to be aired. At least, I think so.

There is no doubt, of course, that I am extremely fortunate. I have an extra bedroom for our guests to stay in. I have more than enough to eat, as the size of my jeans indicate. I have relatively affordable healthcare. My husband and I both have dependable jobs that bring in reliable and consistent income. We are able to enjoy fun trips away, go to the movies every once in a while, and are even fortunate enough to be able to choose to give some of our money away. However, it still makes me a little sad to know that at least my first child will not have a swingset in his or her yard to play on like I did, that we don't have a place to grow flowers or bar-b-que chicken on the grill, and that there is no backyard for a dog to run around in.

I guess in the end, though, I should remember that, while it is okay to be frustrated, I shouldn't whine too much. Less than a mile away 30 women, most of whom spend their days working minimum wage jobs, sleep on cots on the third floor of a church education building...and they only have that luxury from October to March.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The Sun Will Come Out TODAY!

So, I don't know about y'all, but I am thrilled that the sun is out. Life has been a little stressful lately: dad with cancer, grandparents selling lifelong home, craziness at work, and I currently have a cold. It would be hard to process all this if the massive snow and ice, not to mention the grey skies, that this winter brought were still here. SO, three cheers for March 21.

And, really, how rough can things be when March Madness is on TV. I sure was pulling for Kansas to get upset last night...the So Illinois Salukis (sp?) were scrappers, man! They were quick, passed the ball well, excellent three point shooters, weren't afraid to throw their bodies on the floor to chase after the ball...they deserved to win. Bummer. It is amazing how caught up you can get in a team you had never heard of prior to their appearance on CBS! I mean, I had to look up what the hell a Saluki was. (BTW, it is a fierce hunting dog.) The adrenaline gets flowing and you get pulled in. It is surprising how much you can care all of a sudden. Tonight I will pull for Vanderbilt. We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Snow, Snow,Go Away Come Again Another Day-Or Not

So, today is March 7, and besides being my aunt's 50th birthday, it is also way past the day the snow should no longer be appearing! Clearly all those people who say MD is a southern state don't really know what they are talking about...they probably put sugar in their grits, too. So, it is cold and I don't like it...not one bit.

I tried to wear my flip flops out the other day (there wasn't any snow that day), but I just wound up with my feet hovering near the space heater in my office. Nevertheless, tomorrow I am going to go shopping and try and buy some Spring clothes. Perhaps if mother nature sees me buying a cute skirt she will have pity and make it warmer...she probably wants to wear her own cute skirt at this stage of the game.

Speaking of games, hooray for march madness. I must confess that I haven't followed much basketball this season, though I did catch the second half of the Duke-Carolina game last weekend. I wonder what Tyler Hansborough's face looks like now? That was some serious blood coming out of his nose. Shoulda gotten his big head out of Henderson's way in my opinion! Just kidding...I don't want to see anyone get hurt like that, not even a Tar Heel! Last year my dad and I went to the DC regional quarterfinal games. It was so fun! It was especially cool to see underdog George Mason win, particularly since all their crazy fans were there since it was essentially a home game for them. How crazy is it that half of last year's Final Four aren't even going to be in the tournament? Bizarre! That is definitely what makes it so fun, though!

Well, enough rambling for now! Hope all is well with the world wherever you are.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

If A Man that Old Can Blog, So Can I

So, my dad has decided to start a blog. I figure that if someone who "came up" prior to electricity (just kidding) can blog so can I. So, this is a weak start, I know, but I figure baby steps, right?

I am now leaving Rockville Presbyterian Church, where I have been since 8am this morning, and heading to the grocery store. There is another congregation that uses our building on Sunday afternoons. I swear their adult to child-under-5 ratio is like 1:10...not the most peaceful or quiet work environment. It has to be crazy to make the grocery store look inviting.

The bananas are calling...