Thursday, January 12, 2006

Be So Excited!

Okay, so I figure I should join the modern world and start a blog. Perhaps I am a little slow on the kind to me anyway. I will keep this short, as in less then five sentences, as I sitting in sweaty gym clothes, the sun is setting, and it is too dark for me to see the keyboard. (I do know I could turn on the light, yes.) Until next time...when the light is on. EMSA


Andy said...

YAY Eliziba!
It's hard to resist the temptations of the blooogggggg...

Robert said...

Welcome to the time-sucking virus that is known as blogging. Soon you will begin to stay up late to write a post or get up early to share a dream. You will begin to read your friend's blogs and leave stupid comments. You will then read your friend's friend's blogs and realize how weird your friends actually are. Next thing you know, instead of having normal conversation with people when you think of something cool, you will run to your computer and blog to the world about it.

This first comment is free. The next time you want a comment from me, you have to pay by writing a great post. Soon you will be addicted. Muwah ha ha ha ha (imagine me doing the Dr. Evil laugh).


Apostle John said...

Welcome to the modern world! :)

Alan Bancroft said...

Um...modern world? How about postmodern? Geez. Didn't you learn anything from Carlos? Don't get stuck in modernity. :)