Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Okay, so I have decided to enforce a rule upon myself. I am not allwing myself to write a post for this blog until I finish my Univeristy of Maryland School of Social Work application. I have procrastinated on this endlessly. If I can sit here and right something for this blog, I can write the mere two pages that I have left for this application. So, I'll be seeing you...after I get my act in gear. Bummer.


Robert said...

Whoa, it may take you 2 weeks to do that application considering how long it must have taken to write those 2 shorts posts on your blog. I warned you that blogging would begin to take all of your time, but I didn't know that you were that slow of a writer.

All in love,


Robert said...

By the way, good luck with the application. I know you will do a great job on it.

