Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Guest Writers: Harper and Dylan

Harper and Dylan have recently become enamored by shoelaces. I'm not sure what brought on this new love affair, I only know it is real and it is true. Anyway, inspired by their newfound love, the kitties begged me to post this poem they wrote about shoelaces. So, without further ado...

We love shoelaces!
They’re better then mama, even with her braces!

They are so fun to chase,
It’s almost like a race.

It makes daddy so mad,
Which secretly makes us glad.

The aglets (you know, the end of the shoelace) taste a little funny.
Oooh! I see a bunny!


Anonymous said...

Eat your heart out, Will Shakespeare! And who knew what the end of a shoelace is called. Humorous and useful too!

Anonymous said...

Wow--love your use of the word "aglets." Your cats are amazing. -- Laura