Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm Thinkin' Positive

A week from tomorrow the head of staff at my church heads to Hawaii for two weeks. Our music director goes to Taiwan tomorrow for 10 days. Several of my good friends will be in Northern Ireland together next week. My dad and his wife are going to NYC for a week. Me, I'm living large in...MARYLAND! Woo Hoo! Don't be too jealous.

However, I have decided to take it on the chin and focus on what's positive in my life. Even though I am not the world traveler I would like to be (or once was), I am going to have a baby. And that may be even better than skipping more classes than I went to and drinking more beer than water in sunny Sydney, Australia, which was my life in the (U.S.) fall of 1998. At baby class on Wednesday we were asked to share what was bad about being pregnant and what was good about being pregnant. People shouted out lots of different things (mine were the best, as I am sure you assumed), some of which I agreed with, some of which I didn't. Anyway, the question inspired me to come up with my own list. And since it is Easter and I am working on not pouting about not going somewhere fun (or hell, just out of this area code!), I am going to share my top 10 things that are good about being pregnant, in no particular order. Drum roll, please.

1. Um, BABY!
2. I get to buy new clothes (easier with tops than bottoms, but that's okay).
3. I get to buy really cute baby stuff.
4. People give us presents.
5. Thirty minutes on the treadmill at a speed of 2.7 counts as exercise, as does jumping up and down in the swimming pool with a bunch of old ladies in my water aerobics class.
6. People bend over and pick things up for me.
7. Andy does more chores. Goodbye scrubbing the tub!
8. I have an automatic out. Someone I don't like wants to go lunch, suddenly I am so tired and my back is killing me. Maybe next time?
9. My parents come to visit.
10. I, with Andy, get to choose someone's name, which is really an cool thing to do!

So, those are the thoughts for today. Maybe if I start feeling crazy again, I'll come back and read my list and it will help me remember. You can help me too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear Maryland is really pretty this time of year.
Just think of how fulfilling it will be when, later in life, you stay home so as to be able to afford to you send your daughter off for a trip.
Ahhh, nobility.