Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby Class Numero Dos

Last night was baby class number 2. You may recall that baby class number 1 sent me into a bit of a tailspin. Thus, I was a little apprehensive about how I would respond to last night's adventure. You will be happy to know that I did just fine. I must admit I am still a little bit stressed about getting the breathing right. At one point, while teaching the breathing techniques, the teacher, Jennie, said, "You choose what works for you. There is no script. You are not getting a grade." I WANT THE GRADE! I WANT THE SCRIPT! I paid $175 for this, I want to leave knowing what hour on what day this little girl will make her arrival. I am starting to get the sense that I am gonna have to let that one go. Damn.

Despite still struggling with perfecting my breathing techniques, I was able to take in the other information and not freak out. I think that I was comforted by the fact that we started the class with a list. (Aaah, lists! How do I love you? Let me count the ways...) We discussed what we needed to bring to the hospital with us when the moment of truth is upon us. (She didn't say anything about Jack Daniels, but I'm pretty positive it just slipped her mind.) Which is a great conversation for me because it is so linear. I loved it and took some notes that I am quite sure others in the class were envious of.

You will be even more impressed with my change in composure when you know that I did it all by myself. Andy, sadly, was home with an ear infection and possible strep throat. The doctor said that if I was going to get his ailments the damage was already done, but that the other ladies hadn't had the privilege of hanging out with him and thus would be vulnerable to his germs. Thus, he was told to stay home. It was sad and disappointing, but, like I said, I took damn good notes so I could report back. The only thing that was lacking in my report was that I didn't have a model of the pelvis to use as a visual aid. Too bad about that.

Tomorrow is our 30-week checkup. Details will be forthcoming...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing I am certain of, you'll have the best notes and the most complete what to do list, since the day you were born.